Text Films 1974-76

TEXT FILMS 1974-1976 Notes C. Fitzgibbon

Document / Public Records 1974 16mm, 17 min, no sound / 2009 digital, 8:34 min, sound
Dictionary 1975 16mm, 3 min, no sound / 2010 digital, 3 min, sound
Time 1975 16mm, 8 min, sound / 2009 digital, 8 min, sound
Der Spiegel 1976 16mm, 9min, no sound; 16mm, 7 min, sound / 2011 digital, 9:54 min, sound
Daily News 1976 super8 mm, 11:26 min, no sound / 2011 digital, 9:54 min, sound
Sybar 2012 digital, 3 min, sound

Text films were first filmed in the seventies on a microfilm stationary 16mm camera stand, Document (Public Records) was the first of five from 1974-76 and was a composite of documents that I had filmed and copied; it was an idea conceived from the document storage/retrieval company I was working for, the Metropolitan Information Technology Center and from my interest in ancient Chinese painting and calligraphy and the royal or civil stamps on their surfaces that dictated ownership.

Dictionary, 1975, was filmed in several parts, though only the R and the Un- sections have survived from the filming of Webster’s. Dictionary is also slightly referential to Wittgenstein’s Yellow and Blue Books.

Time, 1975, filmed cover to cover, is an English language monthly periodical.

Der Spiegel, 1975, filmed cover to cover, is a German language monthly periodical. I saw it as a parallel to Time.

Daily News, 1976, filmed cover to cover, is an English language daily newspaper .

Sybar, 2012/1976, is a variation of Dictionary.

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